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In the era of #metoo as the culture reckons with its long history with sexism, understanding the dynamics of gender and men’s violence against women has never been more important.

That’s why we’re hoping you’ll use The Bystander Moment in your classrooms and communities as a tool for opening up discussion about how individuals can work to change the culture.

Here are ten quick & easy things you can do right now to help us spread the word about this film, maximize its potential as an organizing tool, and get it out to as many people as possible:


1. Sign up to receive email updates and action alerts about the film.


2. Friend us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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3. Send this tweet to your followers.


4. Share the trailer on Facebook.


5. Get more shareable tweets and Facebook posts here.

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6. Host a screening on your campus or in your community.


7. Ask your public library to purchase a copy of the film so that it’s available at no cost to your community.


8. If you’re a professor or a student, ask your university library to purchase a copy of the DVD so that it’s available to everyone on campus as a classroom resource.


9. If your school or public library has streaming access, share this link with everyone you can.


10. Consider a donation to help us in our grassroots distribution efforts.

For too long, discussions about violence against women and bystander intervention have centered on women and what they need to do to protect themselves. This dynamic has exacerbated existing ideas about gender and let men — especially straight, white men — off the hook.

In this new film, Jackson Katz focuses on how the norms of male peer culture help normalize abusive behaviors toward woman and girls while silencing other men in the face of these patterns of abuse. And he shows how these deeply gendered dynamics are at the same time deeply inflected by intersectional factors like race, ethnicity, and class. In the end, Katz also stresses the crucial importance of appealing to people not as potential perpetrators or passive spectators, but as active bystanders and potential leaders who have a positive role to play in challenging and changing the sexist cultural norms that too often lead to gender violence.

Please help us spread the word about The Bystander Moment through your grassroots networks!